
Ihsahn - The Adversary
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Auteur:  Hardt [ 25 Mar 2006 22:53 ]
Sujet du message:  Ihsahn - The Adversary

En tant qu'amateur d'Emperor, cette news me réjouit au plus haut point.

EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn's video for "Invocation", the opening track from Ihsahn's forthcoming solo album, "The Adversary", has been posted . The clip was shot and produced in Notodden, Norway by a local production company. "I think the video reflects both the direct and solitary expression of the album," Ihsahn said. "It was my intention to keep everything as pure and intense as possible, yet staying true to metal tradition."


"The Adversary" was written and recorded over a one-year period at Symphonique Studios in Norway and features a guest appearance by Garm from ULVER on one song.

"Generally, my thoughts for this album were that, 'OK, if I'm doing a solo album, then I might as well do a metal album that kind of includes all the periods I've been through playing metal,'" Ihsahn told BLABBERMOUTH.NET last month. "When I first started playing guitar at the age of 11, I started out playing basic heavy metal stuff. The bands I've played in have been from straight heavy metal up through thrash and speed metal, death metal, and then black metal. I thought the album should include embraces from all those areas.

"Most albums I do I take a study period as well to learn new things and kind of sharpen the working methods and combining theory with the energy of creative thought are driving forces," he continued. "I wanted to have a very varied album with different influences, but I didn't want to take everything into all of the songs. If it's a black metal song it's kind of a black metal song all the way through. When I do a progressive song it's kind of progressive all the way through. I'm trying to pull out the most of one thing, rather than just mixing it all together in all the songs; it's varied in that sense. Hopefully, there should be a consistency throughout the album."

All music and lyrics for "The Adversary" were written and performed by Ihsahn with exception of drums, which were played by Asgeir Mickelson (BORKNAGAR, SPIRAL ARCHITECT). "Asgeir is a very talented guy and he could play live a better version of what I programmed," Ihsahn said. "He was the perfect guy for the job because he didn't change things. In some parts I may have had drum patterns that I felt essential to the song, which was very playable, but not necessarily the way a drummer would think. He could interpret what I programmed and just do exactly what I needed. He's been valuable for this project. He's a great guy to work with as well."

Tracking for "The Adversary" is as follows:

01. Invocation
02. Called by the Fire
03. Citizen
04. Homecoming
05. Astera ton Proinon
06. Panem et Circenses
07. And He Shall Walk in Empty Places
08. Will You Love Me Now?
09. The Pain is Still Mine

"The Adversary" will be released cooperatively by Mnemosyne Productions and Candlelight Records on April 10 in Europe and April 18 in North America. Owned/operated by partners Ihsahn and Ihriel since 2003, Mnemosyne Productions was established as an outlet for duo's musical collaborations as well a place for new talent and innovative artists.


Après écoute, ça sonne comme du Emperor en fin de règne, notamment dans le son de gratte et certains vocals. Ca tue, et ça fait bien plaisir de revoir Ihsahn, pour moi l'un des meilleurs gratteux/chanteur de metal.

Auteur:  remster [ 09 Mai 2006 14:39 ]
Sujet du message: 

Pour info, vous pouvez acouter l'intégralité de l'album en streaming sur mp3.com.

Je n'ai plus le lien exact mais en rentrant Ihsahn vous devriez trouver assez facilement...


Auteur:  Muscu [ 09 Mai 2006 19:13 ]
Sujet du message: 

Emperor étant un des rares groupes de Black que j'aime vraiment, va falloir que je tente ça.
Invocation, le titre sur le sampler Rock Hard d'Avril, est bien cool en tout cas.

Auteur:  Chipstouille [ 10 Mai 2006 21:41 ]
Sujet du message: 

En écoute vite fait, ça avait l'air plus que sympa, mais il a fallu que je restreigne mes ardeurs question achat :)

Mais à mon avis, la prochaine fois c'est la bonne :)

Auteur:  Muscu [ 12 Mai 2006 19:59 ]
Sujet du message: 

Je l'ai écouté tout à l'heure, c'est plutot cool.
Ça fait très King Diamond par moments, donc c'est un plus non négligeable pour moi.

Auteur:  Khayman [ 13 Mai 2006 0:28 ]
Sujet du message: 

ça devrait me plaire alors.

J'ai pas trop voulu tenter parce que j'accroche moyen à Peccatum, mais si ça se rapproche de King Diamond ça peut être sympa.

Auteur:  noise [ 14 Mai 2006 11:59 ]
Sujet du message: 

hep ça tue ce disque, je ne pensais pas que ça serait si bien, y a pas mal de melodie la dedans, ça le fait bien

edit : putain mais quelle claque, c'est enorme ce truc, entre prog, death, et heavy, quelle voix claire, le tout avec des arrangements symphos enormes, achat obligatoire!

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