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 Helloween - Pumpkins United 2017-2018 
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Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 23:12
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Message Re: Helloween - My God Given Right
Bien vu, c'est très vrai.

14 Juin 2015 21:56
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2005 13:00
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Battle's Won et Lost In America me plaisent beaucoup, le pied ces chansons.
L'album me semble bien, je dois encore l'écouter 2-3 fois.

Up the Irons!

R.I.P Lemmy

17 Juin 2015 10:08
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

27 Oct 2015 11:55
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2005 13:00
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Un bouquin sur Helloween?

Up the Irons!

R.I.P Lemmy

27 Oct 2015 13:36
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Yep l'histoire complète du groupe!


It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

27 Oct 2015 13:38
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2005 13:00
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Super, j'espère qu'il sortira en français.

Up the Irons!

R.I.P Lemmy

27 Oct 2015 15:21
Prêtre de Judas
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Inscription: 06 Avr 2004 14:55
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Camion Blanc va sans doute sortir la version en français. Ce serait bien qu'ils gardent la couverture, contrairement aux pochettes des dernières sorties discographiques du groupe, elle a vraiment de la gueule.

IronMatthieu's gonna get ya !!!
No matter how far !!!

27 Oct 2015 20:29
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Le groupe se lance dans une tournée à 7 avec Hansen et Kiske!


German power metallers HELLOWEEN will be rejoined by vocalist Michael Kiske and guitarist Kai Hansen for a world tour in 2017 and 2018. Dubbed "Pumpkins United", the trek will feature seven musicians — including current singer Andi Deris and guitarist Sascha Gerstner — performing material spanning HELLOWEEN's entire three-decade-plus history.

Kiske, who acrimoniously left HELLOWEEN in 1993, has been resistant to any kind of a reunion with his former bandmates, telling Dead Rhetoric in a 2013 interview: "I wouldn't do that. I'm up for peace, up for talking everything out and getting everything out of our systems. I met up with [HELLOWEEN guitarist Michael] Weikath a in Sweden. He was extremely nice and friendly. It was clear they have changed their mood. They've changed their attitude toward me. They really did me a lot of wrong over the years. I don't want to pass the blame here, but they've accused me of doing things that they know very well are not right. They needed some stuff to convince the old fans that it's good I'm not there anymore, and they went way too far. One of the things that I was really pissed about was this 'musical direction' talk, as if I would be the person to tell anyone what kind of music he should do. Everyone who knows me — anyone who really knows me — knows my attitude is totally different. I would always say, 'Do what you believe in. Whatever song is your song, write it, go play it.' I would never be the person to tell anyone in HELLOWEEN the direction we were supposed to go. That was so ridiculous, to blame me for the things that came up. Yes, I was responsible for my own songs, but it was always something the band made work… or not."

He added: "I don't know how they have suddenly changed their tone and why I should be there for a reunion tour and all. Like I said, I'm fine with making peace, but you can't undo the past. I'm a typical person. I can easily forgive, but I never forget. If someone betrays me, I tell them, 'Okay, I forgive you. Go in peace. I don't trust you anymore. You showed me who you are. I'm not saying you can't change, but you have to do a lot to convince me you have changed.'"

Pressed on whether he would consider doing a special guest appearance with HELLOWEEN at a festival, Kiske — who has been touring and recording with Hansen for the last few years as part of UNISONIC — said: "I can do that with UNISONIC. For the fans who are in love with the records of those times, like the 'Keeper' records, I understand they have hopes and think it would be a cool thing. I don't think they could give me the amount of money, just for business reasons to say yes. My heart is just not there. If they give me 2 million euros, I'd be stupid not to do it, but I know they'd never do it. [Laughs] This will never be an option. For the fans, you can do a lot, but for me, it would be very difficult to be on a stage and to sing among people who are not my friends, people who I have such a negative past with and feel so betrayed by. My voice would probably be gone."

Also in 2013, Weikath told Dead Rhetoric that he was open to the idea of reuniting with his former bandmates: "We've given thought to that and we've heard his [Kiske's] words that he doesn't like when people dream about those things in public in interviews. I've only merely been answering the questions of those wondering about [it], so I haven't been dreaming. I don't need that reunion as much as he wants it, or doesn't want it. If he ever gives in to any of that, then you can swear we'd probably try something like that. Maybe make some good money and have some fun on occasions where people are enjoying what we're doing then, as that particular strange outfit for the actual existing HELLOWEEN, with a few ex-members intertwined and you wouldn't know."

"Pumpkins United" touring lineup:

Michael Kiske - Vocals
Kai Hansen - Guitar
Michael Weikath – Guitar
Markus Grosskopf - Bass
Andi Deris - Vocals
Sascha Gerstner - Guitar
Daniel Löble - Drums


It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

14 Nov 2016 9:51
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Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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Excellente nouvelle ! :hop:


14 Nov 2016 16:44
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 17 Mai 2004 11:50
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J'sais pas.
Après tout ce que Kiske et Weiki se sont envoyés à la gueule, ça sonne tellement opportuniste...

Ferait mieux de sortir l'intégrale du concert de "Live in The UK" tiens...

14 Nov 2016 16:48
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Oui et encore récemment d'ailleurs, Hansen je comprends mais Kiske doit avoir des factures à payer pour accepter ça et Weikath doit s'en foutre comme bien souvent, il a pas du décider de grand chose la dedans :D

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

14 Nov 2016 16:53
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Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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Je vois là une opportunité d'entendre en live les premiers titres du groupe chantés par Kiske.
Peu importe le reste :D


14 Nov 2016 17:25
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 16 Mar 2004 19:22
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J'ai pensé aux factures de suite.
Y aura sans doute un dvd.
Et un wacken comble.

14 Nov 2016 20:15
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2004 18:27
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j'espere qu'helloween sur cet tournée va passer à wacken. Ca me semble bizare de voir weikath et kiske ensemble sur scene aussi.


14 Nov 2016 20:24
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 18:45
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C'est opportuniste, mais ils ont déjà tourné ensemble (GR/Helloween). Donc pourquoi pas, ils sont sûrs d'avoir leur petit succès. Je peux même envisager me déplacer pour aller voir ça. Ce sera mieux que d'entendre les titres récents d'Helloween.

En attendant, j'ai vu que Richter et Ehré montaient leur propre groupe, comme quoi Gamma Ray risque de sommeiller un moment.

On t'a promis la mer et tu patauges dans une flaque

Trust - Promesse Osée

14 Nov 2016 22:17
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Kiske à côté de Weikath, ça va ils se sont pas encore entretués :D


It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

22 Déc 2016 12:42
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 19 Avr 2004 19:16
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Hansen ressemble a Daryll de The walking dead sur cette photo!

Il faudrait écrire ou dessiner avec un crayon entravé, la vérité est dans les balbutiements!

Je hais Dream Theater!!!

22 Déc 2016 12:45
Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2004 10:17
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Je sais mon age, mais.... quand j'regarde cette photo, j'me dis que quand meme, le HArd Rock, c'est un truc de jeune....


Ni true, ni false, lucide seulement...

22 Déc 2016 13:59
Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2005 13:00
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Ce serait sympa de voir ça sur scène.
Je croyais que Kiske ne supportait plus de chanter du Metal :D

Up the Irons!

R.I.P Lemmy

30 Déc 2016 18:59
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 23:12
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Ca me fait vraiment ni chaud ni froid. Ca arrive beaucoup trop tard (même si Kiske reste toujours un super chanteur, par contre il n'a pas de jeu de scène), c'est tellement opportuniste, ça tombe pile quand les 2 groupes principaux sont en chute artistique évidente, du coup c'est Unisonic qui risque d'être mis sur la touche alors qu'artistiquement se sont les plus inspirés.

MAIDEN avait eu l'intelligence de ne pas trop faire tarder les choses et de réintégrer rapidement Dickinson quand ça sentait clairement le roussi pour eux, c'était opportuniste également bien sûr mais ça arrivait vraiment au on moment, en plus en pleine vague neo metal ça permettait aussi de remettre certaiens pendules à l'heure. La par contre la manoeuvre est grotesque et Kiske est vraiment un bouffon quand on pense a tous ses propos sur le Metal. Cela aurait dû arriver dès 2007-2008 quand Hansen rejouait avec Helloween sur scène.

31 Déc 2016 11:27
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