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 Epica - The Holographic Principle 
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Message Epica - The Holographic Principle

Dutch symphonic metallers EPICA have set "The Holographic Principle" as the title of their seventh studio album, due on October 1 via Nuclear Blast.

Speaking to Spark TV, which is part of the Czech monthly magazine Spark, EPICA singer Simone Simons stated about the follow-up to 2014's "The Quantum Enigma" (see video below): "We are still in the process of realizing the songs. It's a huge amount of songs, it's a lot of information, it's a lot to take in, but we put everything in this record and we hope that it will pay off and that the people will feel what we feel when we listen to it."

She added: "Since 'The Quantum Enigma' was received so well, we set the bar so high, but we accepted the challenge to make an even better record. And we've done everything bigger than before — we had more orchestra, a bigger choir. We had so many different instruments — real, live instruments. Vocally, I put everything in the record that I can possibly do, and I'm very pleased with it."

According to Simone, she has once again experimented a bit with her vocal approach on the new album. "With each record, I try to get the best out," she said. "And Joost [van den Broek], our producer, he's also very good at getting everything out of me. And the songs themselves, they just ask for a lot of variation in the vocal style. And I do opera, rock, pop, and in the ballads you hear the really soft voice. And, yeah, I can belt out some high notes as well."

Even though "The Holographic Principle" is one of EPICA's most ambitious offerings to date, the album doesn't sacrifice any of its instant appeal, something which Simone says was intentional. "I think it needs to be all in balance," she said. "We are, in heart, a metal band going in the symphonic direction. The orchestration, the choir is a little bit like the seventh and eighth bandmember of EPICA, and that's something we'll always keep in there. And the choir parts are often very catchy, the choruses are very catchy. But on this record, besides having catchy melodies, we also wanted to have really groovy vocal lines. And that's something that we worked on as well; we changed up some things to make it less predictable."

One of the aspects of EPICA's sound which has been enhanced on "The Holographic Principle" is the growling vocal style of EPICA guitarist and main songwriter Mark Jansen. "Well, it's Mark and it's actually our drummer as well," Simone said. "Mark is the main grunter, and our drummer, Ariën [van Weesenbeek], has a really nice, thick sound. So I don't know if he sang all the grunt parts as well, if he doubled them with Mark, but them together makes a totally new grunt sound, and I like it. Also, it changes it up a bit. Mark can do also really low grunts, he can do screams, and Ariën really has that deep sound to it."

Simone also praised the contributions of EPICA guitarist Isaac Delahaye, who came into the band in 2009. "The guitars are definitely more brutal," she said. "Also in the mix, the melodies, the grooves, and I think that ever since Isaac joined the band, not only as a songwriter but also the guitars have been lifted to a different level, and have become more interesting to listen to, I find myself. So I'm a big fan of his guitar work and also his songwriting."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

01 Juin 2016 5:46
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

04 Juin 2016 0:18
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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01. Eidola
02. Edge Of The Blade
03. A Phantasmic Parade
04. Universal Death Squad
05. Divide And Conquer
06. Beyond The Matrix
07. Once Upon A Nightmare
08. The Cosmic Algorithm
09. Ascension - Dream State Armageddon
10. Dancing In A Hurricane
11. Tear Down Your Walls
12. The Holographic Principle - A Profound Understanding Of Reality

Acoustic Bonus CD

01. Beyond The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
02. Dancing In A Gypsy Camp
03. Immortal Melancholy (Acoustic Version)
04. The Funky Algorithm
05. Universal Love Squad

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

30 Juil 2016 8:03
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2005 13:00
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Ca fait bien longtemps que je n'écoute plus les groupes à synthé/voix féminines mais cet extrait est pas mal

Up the Irons!

R.I.P Lemmy

30 Juil 2016 8:32
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 15:47
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Je suis fan d'EPICA, pour le moment je n'ai été vraiment déçu que par un seul album, celui de 2012 "Requiem For The Indifferent"), même si certains autres sont un peu faibles comparés à d'autres.
Mais là je trouve ce nouveau titre brillant, et je pense qu'on va avoir droit à un très grand album si tout le reste de l'album est à ce niveau. Donc j'attends d'entendre de nouveaux titres :)

"Les grands artistes sont ceux qui ont toujours su s'arrêter à temps. Parfois je suis allé un peu trop loin, pas beaucoup, mais juste assez pour tout gâcher. " (David BOWIE)

30 Juil 2016 9:24
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Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 15:58
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Oui ce nouveau titre est extrêmement bon. J'avais fait l'impasse sur "The Quantum Enigma" à l'époque, le groupe m'ayant lassé sur "Requiem...". Mais en revoyant leur show du Hellfest 2015, j'ai trouvé que les titres de "The Quantum Enigma" donnaient super bien en live et notamment "The Essence Of Silence" pour ne citer que celui-là, je me suis récemment replongé dedans et l'album est plutôt pas mal.

J'attends donc ce nouvel opus avec impatience.

31 Juil 2016 17:57
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

09 Sep 2016 5:47
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Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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Localisation: In a Strange Land (Chaville 92)
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Avis perso :
Comme pour After Forever, le growl (que je trouve insupportable) gâche l'ensemble. C'est dommage car il y a des compositions de qualité mais impossible de profiter pleinement de la musique.
Sans le growl je serais fan des deux groupes :(((
Ces derniers titres ressemblent beaucoup au dernier Lacuna Coil (que je n'ai pas écouté en entier à cause du growl) Je ne dis pas que l'un a copié sur l'autre mais si on enlève les chanteuses, musicalement c'est impossible a différencier tellement c'est similaire.
Je reste avec Nightwish période Tarja :grou:
Les trois derniers Nightwish sont tout à fait écoutables mais Tarja est intouchable :D


11 Sep 2016 16:39
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 15:47
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Localisation: Coursac ( 24 - à côté de Périgueux )
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Spéciale dédicace à infrared :D :


"Les grands artistes sont ceux qui ont toujours su s'arrêter à temps. Parfois je suis allé un peu trop loin, pas beaucoup, mais juste assez pour tout gâcher. " (David BOWIE)

11 Sep 2016 18:30
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Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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Excellent :ok:


11 Sep 2016 20:00
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 10 Mai 2004 18:27
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excellent titre, perso le growl dans epica ne me dérange pas, j'attends l'album avec intéret.


11 Sep 2016 20:39
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Hier à Paris où j'étais!


Sacrée soirée, sacrée ambiance, le Zenith bien blindé et j'ai découvert que Powerwolf avait une sacrée armée de fans chez nous!

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

05 Fév 2017 13:00
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 17 Mai 2004 11:50
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Epica remplissent le Zénith???

07 Fév 2017 11:55
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Et oui et je me sentais vieux là dedans, les générations passent et les gouts évoluent!

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

07 Fév 2017 13:45
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

07 Fév 2017 15:46
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Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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Localisation: In a Strange Land (Chaville 92)
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Mode sérieux : On est en février et le public est en T-shirt. Il y a un vestiaire au Zénith maintenant ? Les gens sont arrivés comme ça ? Les blousons étaient au sol ou autour des tailles ? Je suis trop frileux ? :)


08 Fév 2017 21:02
Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Inscription: 30 Aoû 2015 16:17
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En zoomant j'ai vu quelques blousons sur la barrière :)


08 Fév 2017 21:34
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Oui et moi j'avais mon polaire Kreator autour de la taille, c'est vrai qu'il ne fait pas chaud dans cette salle!

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

08 Fév 2017 23:59
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Live à Paris

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

04 Mai 2017 15:03
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Un Ep avec 6 nouveaux titres arrive


With their latest masterpiece, Dutch symphonic metallers EPICA set new standards. 2016's "The Holographic Principle" is the most epochal, multi-layered, courageous and successful record of the band, reaching top 10 chart position entries in the German, Dutch and Swiss album charts. Accordingly, all the tracks written for the album process are high quality, but not all songs have been put on the album. "This is only based on the fact that the record should not exceed 76 minutes," explains guitarist/vocalist Mark Jansen. Since the band didn't like the idea of a double CD, they finally decided to release an EP with six brand-new numbers, which were created during the creative phase of "The Holographic Principle".

"The Solace System" EP will be released on September 1 via Nuclear Blast.

The track listing is as follows:

01. The Solace System
02. Fight Your Demons
03. Architect Of Light
04. Wheel Of Destiny
05. Immortal Melancholy
06. Decoded Poetry

Mark states about the songs: "The listeners can expect a high-quality EP — with songs that are far too good to use them only as bonus tracks. We wanted to publish these songs together in a context. It is always hard to decide at the end of a recording process which songs will be on the album, because this means that you have to miss some songs with best quality, just because they do not fit quite well into the overall flow of the record or because there are other songs that are more suited to the lyrics."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

23 Juin 2017 16:54
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