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 Black Country Communion - Afterglow 
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Message Black Country Communion - Afterglow

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BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION has set "Afterglow" as the title of its third album, due on October 30. The CD cover artwork can be seen below.

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION is the English-American rock band featuring the talents of bassist/vocalist Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, TRAPEZE, BLACK SABBATH), blues rock guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa, drummer Jason Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN), and keyboardist Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER).

"With this next album, I've had the luxury of being able to write for six months," Hughes recently told GuitarWorld.com. "With the first album I had six weeks, and the second one was about four months. But I've had a lot more time to write this one. If you look at Joe's schedule, he doesn't even have time to wipe his nose. I've been left as the keeper of the keys to write these albums."

In a recent interview with Artisan News, Hughes stated about BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION's musical evolution, "We just did two albums back to back, both successful records. And our live DVD is out now.

"We're really, really happy with the progress of where we're going musically. So we're sort of on course now."

Regarding the sound of the forthcoming BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION CD, Hughes said, "It's kind of a continuation… There's gonna be some darker stuff on there, because the lyrics I'm writing are kind of dark. There may be some moments of drama in there — I like drama in the music. So the songs I have ready are definitely a continuation of [the first and the second albums]."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

24 Aoû 2012 22:46
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 15:58
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Bonne nouvelle ça !
Sympa la pochette en plus !

25 Aoû 2012 8:48
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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ça serait dommage

During a recent interview with ABC News Radio, Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH, TRAPEZE) reveals that the upcoming BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION album Afterglow (details here) may be their last. "This may be the (band's) last album," he declared. "I hate to break it to you, but it just may be, because I need to be in a band that tours on a regular basis."

Hughes went on to explain that due to guitarist Joe Bonamassa's own heavy solo touring commitments, Black Country Communion has no solid plans to hit the road in support of Afterglow.

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

06 Sep 2012 15:12
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Inscription: 24 Mar 2009 13:16
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Bizarre, je l'ai eu en interview hier, il m'a dit qu'il y aurait une pause, mais que BCC n'était pas fini...

Mon coq est bien plus gros que le tien !

07 Sep 2012 8:55
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Ça sent quand même le paté

Lu ce soir sur le facebook de Hard Force :

"Glenn Hughes a décidé de cesser toute promo autour de l'album "Afterglow", suite à des différends internes entre Joe Bonamassa et lui. "

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

21 Oct 2012 0:58
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 17:04
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Pas glop... :(

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21 Oct 2012 13:24
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Bon ça semble fini avec Bonamassa

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION released its third album, "Afterglow", last October amid a public feud between singer Glenn Hughes and guitarist Joe Bonamassa.

The war of words goes back to early September, when Hughes began telling journalists that Bonamassa's solo touring schedule was preventing BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION from touring and fulfilling its potential. He stated that if the situation didn't change, "Afterglow" could be the group's last recording project.

Asked about the current status of BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, Bonamassa tells PremierGuitar.com: "As far as I'm concerned, my involvement is pretty much done, and I'll tell you why: Originally, I did it for the same reasons I did the stuff with Beth Hart and ROCK CANDY FUNK PARTY — it was an excuse to play a different kind of music that I don't get to play normally.

"The first two records were a blast — the band is fantastic when the Ritalin kicks in, the ADD goes away, and everyone's focused. It's a devastatingly good rock band of the early-1970s type, and Glenn is a fantastic singer — just one of the best ever. So I did it and did a nine-week tour in 2011 that really, by the end of it, wasn't fun for me. It wasn't because I didn't like the cats in the band, but it was just too much — too much involved in getting people from place to place and getting the band onstage. Everybody seemed to be very tense, and it made my crew very tense, and it's not the way I like to tour. I run a family — I have 21 people who go on the road with me all the time, and if you asked them who was the cause of the least of their problems, they would say me. Unless there was no Diet Coke — then it's a huge [expletive] problem, and either I'm going to the supermarket or somebody else is. [laughs]

"But it just wasn't fun for me anymore. All the stuff that Glenn says in the media, essentially pinning it on me — that I was the reason for the band's lack of touring and the band's lack of future. It became rapidly not fun at all. It would be dishonest of me to get onstage and pretend like I'm having fun to please the band. I'm just not the guitar player for that band, but, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any out-of-work guitar players in L.A. that they can get. There are so many guys that can fill that rôle and I would be the first guy to queue up and buy a ticket. So that's my story with it. I'm happily not involved anymore, but I'm happy with the legacy that I left with that band and happy with the records we made. It was a great three years for me."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

18 Mar 2013 15:42
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2004 11:13
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"I'm happily not involved anymore"

C'est plutôt clair !
Les spéculations vont bon train sur son successeur. Ritchie Kotzen revient souvent dans les pronostics.

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18 Mar 2013 20:47
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 9:38
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Behemoth a écrit:
Ritchie Kotzen revient souvent dans les pronostics.
L'éternel remplaçant ... mais il possède néanmoins une vraie signature musicale.

Maintenant, honnêtement, avouez que ce qui rendait BCC dix fois plus intéressant que du Glenn Hughes solo, c'était justement la forte empreinte Bonamassa de ce groupe.
C'est donc une mauvaise nouvelle ....

On peut rire de tout, mais (hélas) pas avec tout le monde.


18 Mar 2013 23:43
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2004 11:13
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Sauf si il est remplacé par Jimmy Page :D

Au final Bonamassa a fait bcp pour le son du groupe, encore plus pour son exposition médiatique, mais très peu pour les compos, et sur scène il est peu charismatique (même si il envoie le paté en terme de jeu ce qui est le principal).

Une perte oui, mais il n'est pas irremplaçable. Si il parvient à trouver un gratteux adoubé par la planète hard rock, ils pourraient même avoir de beaux jours devant eux. Et ça reste quand même le bébé de Kevin Shirley, qui risque de sévèrement secouer son carnet d'adresse (et encore un peu plus son chéquier) pour trouver un digne remplaçant.

Sauf qu'à priori, Glenn Hughes est parti s'aérer l'esprit avec un nouveau projet donc c est pas pour tout de suite.

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19 Mar 2013 7:51
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Le groupe va continuer mais sous un autre nom, Bonamassa s'opposant à la poursuite du groupe sans lui selon Hugues

BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION — the Anglo-American rock group comprising vocalist/bassist Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE, TRAPEZE), drummer Jason Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN, FOREIGNER), Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, ALICE COOPER, BILLY IDOL) and blues-rock guitarist/vocalist Joe Bonamassa — is officially "over" following Bonamassa's decision to exit the project. Hughes writes on his Facebook page: "Joe left and will not allow us to keep the name... Nice, huh? Jason, Derek and I will continue with a different name when the time is right."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

24 Mar 2013 10:59
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Heavy Metal Lawyer

Inscription: 21 Juin 2005 0:55
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Ce n'est pas ce que dit Joe Bonamassa dans ses interviews, il a toujours encouragé le groupe à continuer sans lui. Je ne vois pas quel intérêt il aurait à obliger de changer le nom du groupe. Sa carrière solo marche déjà, et il a toujours dit dès le départ qu'il ne lâcherait pas sa carrière solo pour BCC.
Et franchement, perso, je pense pas qu'il soit irremplaçable. Comme dit plus haut, sur scène, il a zéro charisme. Et sur disque, son style bluesy n'était pas aussi affirmé que sur ses albums solos. Donc un guitariste "classic-rock" pour le remplacer, ça doit bien se trouver.

Par contre, en concert, pas mal du public présent sont des fans de Joe Bonamassa. Donc si il n'est plus là, y'aura moins de monde en concert. Glenn Hughes était vert de voir la carrière de BCC décoller, de ramener du monde en concerts, et de ne pas pouvoir faire autant de concerts que ça. Alors que Glenn Hughes en solo, ses concerts, c'est devant 500 personnes, grand maximum.

24 Mar 2013 12:34
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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C'est relancé

Legendary bassist/vocalist Glenn Hughes spoke to Myglobalmind about the progress of the songwriting sessions for BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION's much-anticipated fourth album, tentatively due next spring. He said: "[Guitarist Joe Bonamassa and I] actually started about six weeks ago as Joe was at my home for about a week of writing. Today [October 25] we are starting another week of writing together where we will finishing writing BCC 4. Then we go into the studio in January and the album will come out May 20th."

He continued: "It's such a focused thing. Joe and I are very excited about BCC 4. Back in April when Joe and I were having dinner in Santa Monica, we talked about making this new album and decided to really go for it as well as how now may be the right time to do the reunion. Certain things work at the certain times. The love and support we have behind BCC are amazing."

Hughes added: "I think all the things that have happened in my life have happened for a reason. Joe is a solo artist and we both love BCC. He is booked out a year in advance as he is a busy guy. I returned to being a solo artist and [my forthcoming solo] CD, 'Resonate', is a return to form for me with another America tour next year. For me, all I want to do for the rest of my life is to write, play, and record music. As long as I'm healthy spiritually and mentally, which I am, that's all that resounds to me. That's all I know how to do in life is to give love and music back to others."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

01 Nov 2016 17:44
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