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 NOFX, l'attitude, l'humour, les fans... 
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Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 04 Aoû 2006 22:56
Messages: 9663
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Message NOFX, l'attitude, l'humour, les fans...
NOFX a décidé de sortir tous les moins un single (un 45t... en vinyle donc.. bouh). Ils appellent ça le 7 inches Club. On s'abonne et tous les mois hop, on reçoit un 45t avec deux inédits du groupe.
Je trouve l'idée excellent (j'espère juste qu'ils compileront tout ça sur un CD un jour...)
J'ai téléchargé ces trucs là en attendant et c'est excellent. Je ne les ai pas tous mais ça fait déjà un "nouvel album" finalement...

Et puis il y a des grands moments comme l'excellent "Arming The Proletariat With Potato Guns" (la musique aussi est très bonne...). Une bonne leçon de second degré je trouve.

[first joke]
- Hey Hefe
- What?
- What do you call a guy who hangs out with musicians?
- Uh... you?
[second joke]
- Hey Fat Mike, what's a Jewish dilemma?
- I don't know
- Free ham!
[third joke]
- Hey Hefe, what do you call four Mexicans in quicksand?
- What?
- Cuatro Sink-o!
- Ay!!
[fourth joke]
- Hey Melvin, you know why Hitler comitted suicide?
- Why?
- 'Cause he got the gas bill!
[fifth joke]
- Woah guys, woah, that's not funny man, you crossed the line with that one. I don't know if I ever told you this, but my grandfather, he died in a concentration camp
- Oh, Smelly, that's terrible. I didn't know that
- How did he die?
- He fell off the watchtower

J'aime beaucoup celle là aussi...

"Insulted By Germans (Again)"

Germans Love To Insult ME
The country condescends
we call it arrogance they call it making friends
Scottish don't speak a language
The British Love To GOB
Japanese like to chase me down the streets of Nagoya
Canadians talk shit ABOOT me
Swede bands copy our sound
Everything is Italy is stuck or broken down
The Kiwis I cant remember
Russians turned us away
Australians are so fuckin cool i got no shit to say
Brazilian cops extort us
Russian officers deport us
Icelanders feed us horse and whale
Mexico gave the shits to us
the French like Jerry Lewis
The Greek beat up the opening punk band
The Dutch are fuckin tall
but Americans win the prize of stupidest of them all
So lets all move to Australia, Sydney city of queers
All we need to bring is American drugs and German beers

Et une autre sur les fans....

Fan mail
Dear Sirs,
To whom is may concern
theres facts id like to learn
so many things i wanna know
especially trivial info paraphernalia
badges and regalia please send me everything
Cuz I
am interested in you
and everything you do
i find myself at all your shows
could you tell me were you buy your clothes
could you sign my little sisters face
put your signature any place and please send me a bio
Cuz we've got fan mail
we really really read it
Fan Mail
we really really read it
I sent you my letter now i want a reply
you dont know any better than you wont take your time
with my Fan Mail
So i would like to know just if and when
you'll be in town again
so that i could meet with you
and brag at my freinds at school
have you been all around the world
have you seen every kinda of girl
or are you from the other side
Cuz you
you cant believe everything that you read
with the hypocrisy and the greed
the papers all the things that they say
they dont tell me anything anyway
thats why ive gotta get it straight from you
without an obligation
My Fan Mail (oohs and ahhs)
Whats this i find to my suprise
those fans that i idolized
no longer seem to exist

Encore un peu de recul...ça vaut tous les black metal du monde !

I Am Going To Hell For This One

Jesus Christ will resurrect
He's got his BMI royalty to collect
He's no the white fragile hippie
He looks and acts more like an indignant ICE-T
Jesus Christ is coming back
He wants to kick Mel Gibson's ass
Superstar, The Passion of
He wants his money, not your love

He's been kickin' 2000 years
He's fixed a lot of sports
and drank a million beers
Some ecstasy, a thin white line
He says designer drugs beat the hell out of wine
Jesus Christ on vacation
Spreading mass sacreligion
"Sex and drugs, we abstain"
He thinks Christians are insane
They don't know love,
they know fear and moral hauteur
Scare tactics I never taught
"If you're gonna look to me,
better get rose colored shades,
Cuz what you see is what you get

Ils sont fans de reggae mais savent aussi se remettre en question...

Jamaica's Alright If You Like Homophobes

Jamaica's alright, if you wanna get in the middle of a knife fight
Jamaica's alright, if you wanna get AIDS or dysentery
Jamaica's alright, if you wanna be mugged or murdered
Jamaica's alright, if you're a misogynist, or a homophobe

Jamaica's alright, if you like only one kind of music
Jamaica's alright, if you like small bananas and spiders
Jamaica's alright, if you wanna buy drugs from your hotel room
Jamaica's alright, if you want your hand lopped off by a machete

Voilà. Ce genre de choses ne se lit pas dans le heavy metal, c'est pour ça que j'aime certains trucs punk et que j'adore NOFX.

Une chtite parodie en couv d'un mag

Allez une ch'tite photo du groupe en plein boulot... (El Hefe en premier plan... un putain de gratteux... qui chante aussi... et joue de la trompette... et imite Popeye, Yogi l'ours, etc.)


If we keep our pride / Though paradise is lost / We will pay the price / But we will not count the cost.
Inoxydable - Blog hard // punk // rock

19 Aoû 2005 14:36
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 19:25
Messages: 2420
Localisation: Quiche Land
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Mon frère a pas mal de CDs de NOFX (quand je pense qu'il avait du ACDC, du Alice Cooper, du Guns, du NOFX, du Metallica et que maintenant il va au concert de Florent Pagny... :'( ), je les avais écoutés quand j'étais au lycée, faudrait que je lui les ré-emprunte.

Moi aussi je te schtroumpfe.

19 Aoû 2005 15:27
Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 16 Mar 2004 19:22
Messages: 3531
Localisation: Toulouse
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Un bon groupe que NoFx ! J'adore ces paroles...mais je trouve dommage qu'El Hefe déteste le metal. Enfin il a le droit d'avoir ses goûts, autrement on s'en fiche tant que la musique est bonne...Va falloir que je me dégotte un disque d'eux, depuis le moment que je m'enfile la compil punk de Rem... :'(

19 Aoû 2005 15:47
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 04 Aoû 2006 22:56
Messages: 9663
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C'est Fat Mike (le bassiste-chanteur-leader-compositeur) qui déteste le metal. El Hefe je ne sais pas. Il fait souvent des riffs metal entre les morceaux (Maiden, Megadeth...) Ils ont aussi repris "Iron man" de Black Sab... Bon cette reprise ne vaut rien cela dit.

If we keep our pride / Though paradise is lost / We will pay the price / But we will not count the cost.
Inoxydable - Blog hard // punk // rock

19 Aoû 2005 16:27
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 13:10
Messages: 4250
Localisation: Caeen
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C'est pas eux qui ont repris "champs élysées" aussi ?
Oui, j'ai honte, je ne connais que très peu ce groupe (à part le morceau The Decline, en fait).

L'art de la citation est l'art de ceux qui ne savent pas réfléchir par eux-même.


19 Aoû 2005 19:55
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 04 Aoû 2006 22:56
Messages: 9663
Localisation: Au fond à gauche
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Oui. Et ils l'ont repris sur album ! Ils font quantité de reprises et j'étais très étonné qu'ils aient mis ça sur So long and thanks for all the shoes...


If we keep our pride / Though paradise is lost / We will pay the price / But we will not count the cost.
Inoxydable - Blog hard // punk // rock

19 Aoû 2005 20:06
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