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 Mechanical Poet: Creepy Tales 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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Message Mechanical Poet: Creepy Tales
De la news, de la news, de la news...

Yo-ho, Freaky Children! ;)
Well, it’s time for some good news now.

First let us introduce MECHANICAL POET’s voice:
J.L. (ex-4 Tarakana, Lady's Man)


We have already recorded all vocals. Everything was done perfectly and we were more than satisfied with the results. So now we’re looking forward and going to start the mixing as soon as possible. ;)

And there’s another great happening:
MECHANICAL POET at ProgPower Europe 2007.

The festival will be held in the first weekend of October in Baarlo, a small village in the South of The Netherlands.
Together with 13 other bands you will be able to see 1 hour of Mechanical Poet. Other bands confirmed so far are JON OLIVA, HEAVEN'S CRY, CIRCUS MAXIMUS, MEYVN and DREAMSCAPE.
Check the homepage of ProgPower for all the details about the festival and ticket sales, http://www.progpower.com!

Hey-ho Guyz and Galz! ;)

The end of autumn is near & that's true for the recording process as well. The work in the recording studio is over. The mixing is on the way.
"Creepy Tales" are almost here. And that's the track-list:

1. Welcome To Creepy Tales
2. Urban Dreams
3. Bubble Bath
4. Spikyhead + Miremaid
5. Vesperghosts Of Milford Playhouse
6. A Rose For Michelle
7. Dolly
8. Lamplighter
9. The Afterguide
10. Aztec Zombies*
11. The Dead, The Living And The City
12. Hide And Seek With Cary Nage
13. Once Upon A Day
14. The Dead, The Living And The City - Russian version**
15. The Afterguide - Russian version**
16. Vesperghosts Of Milford Playhouse - Russian version**

* "CT4FC Director's Cut" Bonus Track
** "CT4FC" Russian Edition Bonus Tracks

To be continued...


22 Nov 2006 11:38
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 8:23
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Cool, un truc à surveiller de près ça! :)

Its' been a long long time... Hasn't it ?

22 Nov 2006 11:49
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2006 16:28
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Grand fan de "Woodlands Prattlers", j'attendais avec impatience son successeur, d'autant plus avec tous les problèmes de line-up qui ont nui à sa sortie. Tout a l'air de repartir, enfin ! 8-)


22 Nov 2006 12:32
Heavy Metal Lawyer
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Ah, trop bon 8-)
J'ai hâte de voir comment ils s'en sortent sans leur ancien chanteur.

AERIS // post metal

22 Nov 2006 12:46
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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La pochette de Creepy Tales for Freaky Children.



22 Nov 2006 16:30
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
Messages: 381
Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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Hello guyz and galz!

The days of mixing and mastering are over and we're proud to announce the end of our long (awaited) and hard (ly expected) work. The album is ready. Last line of Creepy Tales is written. Today the masters were delivered to CD-Maxumum, the company that will take care of this release.


The date will be posted as soon as we know it from the label. Thanks to everyone who believed in us and had been waiting for this album. With all love and kindness, yours iMPs. ;-)


14 Jan 2007 0:50
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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23th january at 1 am (GMT+3) Mechanical Poet will present a new LP 'Creepy Tales For Freaky Children' at the program 'Dreamkeeper' on the radio 'Moscow Echo'.

You can listen to the internet translation of radio 'Moscow Echo' at the following URLs:


(64 kbps)

http://radio.ext.ru/playlist/radio.m3u? ... stream=128
(128 kbps)

You can find more links at the official radio site:

Patience! Patience!!!


18 Jan 2007 16:53
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Nouveau bassiste! Passera t il l'hiver?

New bass player
Unfortunately Evan couldn't join us on the gigs because of lack of time & the work in his others projects. In fact he became the guest musician. We heartily want to thank him for all the work he'd done so far & crazy freak atmosphere, that accompanied this work. We wish Evan all conceivable & inconceivable elevations in his job & always stay the same crazy, energetic cheery lad.

It wasn't easy to find convenient bass player, but we succeed. His name is Serge Khlebnikov - great musician & congenial person. Serge is famous for his participation in Ulyanovsk band "Cola" & his multiple analytic articles on bass-guitar & musical themes (you can find them in the magazines & internet-resources: "Music Box", bassboombang.ru, bassman.ru. guitar.ru )


24 Jan 2007 22:49
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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Des samples du nv album, ici:



30 Jan 2007 22:21
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Localisation: Champagne Ardenne.
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J'aime bcp l'ancien chanteur. J'aime bcp l'ancien Mechanical Poet. Dommage! Le nv a quand même un don pour imiter Danny Elfman sur son score de Nightmare Before Christmas par exemple...


30 Jan 2007 22:30
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 16 Mar 2004 19:22
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Score n'existe pas en français, on dit bande originale de film. Sinon bienvenue Jeanclod :siffle:

30 Jan 2007 22:36
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Que penses tu de ces extraits, Caza ? Es tu effondré, ou plutot guilleret ?


30 Jan 2007 22:45
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 8:23
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Perso plutôt effondré. Si je me fie à ces extraits le futur album sera loin de l'exubérance de ce qui a précédé, mierda.

Its' been a long long time... Hasn't it ?

30 Jan 2007 23:03
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2006 22:36
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Je trouve aussi. Ces morceaux laissent augurer qq chose de plus banalement symphonique. Le côté féérique, atypique selon moi, s'en est allé avec Max visiblement. Ca en dit long sur le travail de composition qu'il effectuait.


31 Jan 2007 11:56
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 20 Avr 2006 11:38
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Je déterre ce vieux sujet parce que j'ai déterré le disque ce matin. J'ai réalisé que j'avais prévu de le chroniquer pour NIME et que finalement je l'avais pas fait, il m'avait relativement lassé et je l'avais oublié. Je croyais que Fredouille s'en chargerait mais il a dû souffrir du même symptôme :D

Bref, ressorti ce matin et je l'ai trouvé bien meilleur que dans mon souvenir, peut-être parce qu'à l'époque j'attendais un Woodland Prattlers en mieux et que Creepy Tales est en fait très différent.

I live my life free of compromise, and step into the shadows without complaint or regret.

17 Oct 2007 12:50
Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 20 Avr 2006 11:38
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A noter qu'ils ont sorti récemment un EP (m'enfin vu le volume de l'EP c'est quasi un album) intitulé "Who Did It To Michelle Waters ?".

Le disque contient 3 morceaux tirés de CT4FC + 9 inédits dont 3 instrumentaux. Avec ça il y a un disque bonus instrumental (une sorte de mini BO) de 33 minutes. C'est un EP concept avec un bô livret qui raconte l'histoire, bien dans l'esprit du groupe.


I live my life free of compromise, and step into the shadows without complaint or regret.

18 Oct 2007 13:33
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 23:12
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C'est quel style?

18 Oct 2007 14:26
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 20 Avr 2006 11:38
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Comme l'album précédent grosso merdo mais je l'ai pas encore vraiment écouté.


I live my life free of compromise, and step into the shadows without complaint or regret.

18 Oct 2007 15:08
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 23:12
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Et l'album précédent c'est quel style? lol

18 Oct 2007 15:10
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Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 20 Avr 2006 11:38
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J'ai édité avec le lien du MySpace en réalisant après coup que c'était le sens de ta question lol

I live my life free of compromise, and step into the shadows without complaint or regret.

18 Oct 2007 15:24
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