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 Madder Mortem - nouvel album 
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Prêtre de Judas
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Inscription: 07 Avr 2004 12:19
Messages: 939
Localisation: Le Mans
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Message Madder Mortem - nouvel album
Eight Ways, le nouvel album de Madder Mortem, sort en mai prochain, on peut le précommander sur leur site, pour seulement 13 euros avec les fdp (et un poster en prime), vive la livre faible.

leur dernier opus, Desiderata, m'avais completement conquis (le reste de la disco est de très grande qualité aussi) donc je fonce sur celui là sans hésiter.
c'est une des meilleures découvertes que j'avais faites l'année derniere.

11 Avr 2009 23:20
Prêtre de Judas
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Inscription: 07 Avr 2004 12:19
Messages: 939
Localisation: Le Mans
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c'est sorti, je l'écoute en boucle depuis qu'il est sorti, et c'est génial.

une chronique de l'album, puisque quand c'est moi qui en dit du bien on ne me croit pas:

Review written by Luci Herbert at MTUK METAL ZINE

The grand garden of female fronted bands is becoming ever more cramped, with new flowers blooming each year; the vast majority may be beautiful but trying to tell them apart is as futile as trying to pick out the right midge that bit you. Of course there’s a fair few unsightly weeds making the place look untidy, along with those that have simply withered away. And then you clap eyes on the most stunning flower blossoming before your eyes at the bottom of the garden, which stands majestically above the rest, the likes of which are so rare you’d have to assume it came from some exotic land where even very few exist. That rare flower is known as Madder Mortem.

While this is the bands fifth album, it was Desiderata, their 2006 opus that turned me on to the band, and not only was it one of my favourite albums that year, but I don’t think I’ve gone a single month these past years without giving it at least one listen. This is one of those albums, incredibly few and far between, that really does sound just as invigorating on each listen no matter how many times you hear it. The only problem when a band brings out such a masterpiece, is wondering how on earth they can possibly top it. The moment I tore open that brown jiffy, I instinctively chucked out whatever was in my stereo to give this album a spin; of a pile of ten or so CD’s I’ve reviewed this past two weeks this was the first, and last of them to grace my ears. This is the kind of album that needs to be savoured; its beauty slowly seeping out over persistent listens and while this is obviously a stunning piece of work from the get go, it really begins to unravel and reveal its true splendour over time.

It’s been a while since I received one of these kind of rare gems to review; the kind of album to which I can simply be content to lay back and absorb the music, losing myself more and more in it with each repeated spin. While this contains all the quirkiness and potency of Desiderata I find it to be a little more subdued in its approach than its predecessor, with the dreamlike sophistication of ‘When Dream And Day Collide’ which soothes the gelid soul with its warm embrace as jazz infused melodies collide with paroxysms of tumultuous madness. There is a dark, saturnine undercurrent that runs through on opening track ‘Formaldehyde’ aided by the humming bassline that cruises along with sinister intent projecting a laid back kind of groove that one might expect to hear in a dimly lit but rather swanky coffee lounge.

There’s such a calm and brooding tone on ‘Get That Monster Out Of Here’ which relaxes the listener, building up to a chilling chorus yell of those very words. It’s all rather a histrionic battle of words between Agnete M. Kirkevaag with her fearsome demands for the monster to leave, who tauntingly retaliates with a sudden outburst of bizarre, madcap circus frolics, before waltzing off finally taking the hint. This woman is no shrinking violet and there is something almost fearsome about this tempestuous temptress with her fierce temper, yet she can just as quickly return to her calm temperament emitting a radiant aura of magnificent beauty. There is something quite theatrical about her in fact, as though she can reach deep within herself and pull out the right persona to act out through the music. There seem to be no limits to her vocal expression as she snaps seamlessly from sweet, forlorn croons to kooky, avant-garde yowls, at times complimenting the music yet at others pushing against it to create a tuneful discordance.

There is such a quirky, lively bounce to ‘The Little Things’ and I love the way the haunting, atmospheric chorus contrasts the rich, subtle melodies as Agnetes voice crawls sweetly out from underneath. ‘The Flesh, The Blood, The Man’ has me absolutely transfixed with its brisk stomp and quirky, winding guitars as the vocals ascend sublimely on the chorus wails of “Don’t leave me out.” It’s warm, soothing sounds coupled with the charming Kate Bush warbles make this easily one of the stand out tracks here, and in my not so humble opinion, this is filled with exactly the kind of romance that doesn’t make me want to puke (Witney Houston wannabe warblers, take note!). ‘Armour’ breezes in gently and instantly has me spellbound; her bittersweet tones dripping onto the music building into a maudlin chorus. There is an underlying melody that haunts the track, drifting and fluttering through reminding me of ‘Un Bel Di, Vedremo’ from Madame Butterfly. Certainly there are no doubts that this is the right track to put out as a single.

There is simply so much going on through these 12 tracks that I could fill several pages with this review; in fact even now as I wrap things up I am concerned that there is so much I have missed out. No amount of waffle from the likes of me can sum up quite how stunning this album is, so for the sake of energy preservation; buy this album. Now. Without it, your life will be incomplete.

29 Mai 2009 22:41
Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 18 Mar 2004 14:55
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Ah oui, intéressant ce groupe, j'avais bien aimé l'album precedent. Je met ça dans ma liste des trucs a écouter.


30 Mai 2009 0:27
Prêtre de Judas
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Inscription: 07 Avr 2004 12:19
Messages: 939
Localisation: Le Mans
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Le prochain Madder Mortem sort (enfin!) le 28 octobre et s'intitulera Red In Tooth And Claw

Bizarrement c'est sur un label de metal extreme...

Enfin bref pour moi c'est la sortie que j'attends le plus cette année (encore plus que le Opeth) tellement j'adore ce groupe.

12 Sep 2016 10:05
Prêtre de Judas
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Inscription: 07 Avr 2004 12:19
Messages: 939
Localisation: Le Mans
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Bon bah il est sorti, je l'écoute pour la première fois en ce moment même (au taff :D )
et c'est une bombe.
Il FAUT écouter Madder Mortem.
une chro et une interview sur les éternels:

L'album semble dans la continuité des précédents: pas de gros changement de style(s) dans l'ensemble, mais toujours la même incroyable qualité et un chant à couper le souffle.

21 Nov 2016 15:53
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