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 HELLOWEEN unplugged ?? 
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Minstrel In The Gallery

Inscription: 17 Fév 2005 0:11
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Ba il semblerait ... apres faut demander au vieux noise :D Il devait avoir 20 ans a cette epoque lol

23 Oct 2006 10:28
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Je me souviens de la sortie de Master of the rings oui, et c’est pas si vieux que ça lol
L’album arrivait après un disque on va dire particulier, Chameleon, ça a été salué comme un retour du groupe aux affaires mais pour moi c’est surtout Time of the oath qui a cartonné et replacé le groupe tres haut commercialement

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

23 Oct 2006 14:41
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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Le tracklistening de la chose, que du tube :D

Former HELLOWEEN singer Michael Kiske will rearrange and re-record all of the songs that he wrote with his former band for an upcoming CD, to be released next year through Frontiers Records. The projected track listing for the album is as follows:

01. We Got the Right
02. A Little Time
03. Kids Of the Century
04. Goin' Home
05. You Always Walk Alone
06. When the Sinner
07. I Believe
08. Longing
09. In the Night
10. Your Turn
+ as-yet-undisclosed new song

When asked by a fan named Deborah Schwichtenberg what he thinks of people who are criticizing his decision to re-record the HELLOWEEN classics, claiming that Kiske "used to eat from HELLOWEEN's songs" before slamming them in the press and now once again wanting to "eat" from HELLOWEEN by selling new recordings of their material, Kiske responded, "I don't give a hack about this! Unfortunately, the metal world is full of people who bark and complain and bark and complain forever anyway, no matter what I do. They will always search for reasons to cry.

"I was part of that band, so I didn't just 'eat' from them. That's a very weird way of thinking. I was BUILDING the band together with the original members, and no one can forbid me to re-record acoustic versions of MY OWN music. I don't think I have to ask 'metal popes' for their permission to do that at all. Those are MY songs — if I feel like doing this, I do it anyway!

"The good first HELLOWEEN years (with Kai Hansen) were also absolutely great; I don't reject them at all! And I think it was a good idea from Serafino (Frontiers Records) to give my songs of the past a new acoustic sound that fits me today. Because on one hand this shows that I don't reject my past; and on the other hand, it can also give some (more open and intelligent) people another perspective at those songs. And if anyone doesn't like that idea. no one forces him or her to listen to it! These new recordings will NOT AT ALL sound like HELLOWEEN or metal, so it is VERY stupid to put it the way some do. I have already started to go through some arrangements, and it's big fun; I'm really excited about it. Those early songs of mine were not so bad at all, and they work great as acoustics.

"Unfortunately, Deborah, metal these days means a lot of negativity, dogmatism and art-enemy mentalities. They really believe THEY have to tell musicians what they are 'allowed' to do or not (as you can see again). And they can also only look at everything from a negative and destructive angle; they will always put everything in a way so they can slander around about it. They just can't help it! And a lot of them don't even understand what I am talking about, when I'm explaining my ways of thinking. They also intentionally mix things up which are separate issues.

"I don't really say anything bad about Helloween. I had my problems with one particular person in there, and sometimes I have to defend myself a bit because of things this particular person (successfully) likes to spread about me, but I enjoyed the first years a lot! The reason for this hatred is that I name what is wrong and sick about today's heavy metal scene; and THAT'S really what many are so pissed about! The metal spirit tries to dictate laws for thinking and music, and if you don't follow those laws, you 'betray' them. But that spirit IS a pure betrayal of freedom in itself. So to be true to yourself, you've got to 'betray' that dogmatism sooner or later.

"This is actually a big part of WHY I can't stand this scene anymore. They can't handle someone like me anyway. I disagree with the typical metal ideologies in so many ways, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind about it; and that's enough for many to go against someone like me. They simply don't LIKE how I think, Deborah, so they will always find reasons to talk dirty against me. Who cares! But I'm always newly surprised again about the reactions of certain smart-asses there; about what they cherish and what they condemn. I can't see at all where my 'crime' is supposed to be here? I thought (think) this acoustic album of my past is a nice idea, which should cause some excitement and maybe even some peace, but many minds obviously function in different ways. But they won't have any effect on what I am doing anyway; that's for sure; I won't allow that. And my friends are going to enjoy this.

"I am slowly building my own fan base now, and I don't really need to know about all the nonsense certain jerks like to spread about me. They can fuck off! And you shouldn't let this get to you either, Deborah. Believe me: it ain't worth it! I'm trying to lead a pretty clean life. I'm not a perfect man, but I'm always straightforward and honest; so who are those a-holes to teach me morals?! ... They certainly don't stand for MY morals!"

Michael Kiske's latest solo album, simply entitled "Kiske", was released in May via Frontiers Records.

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

05 Déc 2006 16:04
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 15 Mar 2004 18:45
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J'espère que la nouvelle chanson sera à la hauteur de ces bombes quand même. Il a du boulot.

On t'a promis la mer et tu patauges dans une flaque

Trust - Promesse Osée

05 Déc 2006 17:09
Crimson Idol

Inscription: 19 Aoû 2004 14:41
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vu la bouse fumante qu'est le dernier Kiske, c'est pas gagné ...

au fait , j'ai toujours ce fabuleux album qu'est le dernier kiske à vendre ... je le vends parce que je l'ai en double ... promis ... :oops:

Yellows, can’t spell my name
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05 Déc 2006 17:12
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Inscription: 02 Mai 2004 11:45
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Donne ton prix, je suis ptet interessé
(Ca fait longtemps que j'ai pas fait une chronique cassante sur Nime et ça me manque :D )

05 Déc 2006 20:54
Crimson Idol

Inscription: 19 Aoû 2004 14:41
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t'as pas des CDs que tu n'écoutes plus que tu pourrais échanger plutot ?

Yellows, can’t spell my name
Yellows, all look the same
I am dying to leave
Fly out, I'm trapped under rice …

06 Déc 2006 7:07
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Inscription: 02 Mai 2004 11:45
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20 ans plus tard...

Arf, je suis pas trop du genre a me separer de mes CD même quand je ne les écoutes plus :?
(je sais, c'est plutôt con mais je suis moi même très con donc ça n'a rien de surprenant)

10 Déc 2006 17:08
Crimson Idol
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Inscription: 20 Avr 2006 11:38
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Si mes conseils t'impotent, le dernier Kiske vaut pas le coup... mais il est vrai que je l'ai jamais adulé en tant que chanteur....

I live my life free of compromise, and step into the shadows without complaint or regret.

10 Déc 2006 21:27
Heavy Metal Lawyer

Inscription: 21 Juin 2005 0:55
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Question : vous avez déjà aimé un album solo de Kiske ? (Instant Clarity ou RTS)

10 Déc 2006 21:47
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 23:12
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Faut dire qu'a lépoque des keepers Kiske avait 17 ans, sa voix n'avais peut être pas entièrment mué ce qui explique les "ultrasons", son chant est devenu plus banal par la suite.

10 Déc 2006 21:50
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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bonne question david, ben non en fait, a chaque album je me rends compte de la mediocrité de Kiske comme songwriter

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

10 Déc 2006 21:52
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Heavy Metal Lawyer

Inscription: 21 Juin 2005 0:55
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Pour moi, sa carrière solo, c'est la suite de Chameleon.
Si on aime pas Chameleon (ce que je peux comprendre hein), faut pas perdre de temps à écouter ses albums solos.

10 Déc 2006 21:56
Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
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je prefere Chameleon a tout ses albums solo, si on s'en donne la peine de les chercher, y a des bonnes choses sur Chameleon, il aurait peut du sortir sous un autre nom de groupe ce disque en fait

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

10 Déc 2006 22:02
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Heavy Metal Lawyer

Inscription: 21 Juin 2005 0:55
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Même si j'aime bien Chameleon, il a quelques longueurs, je préfère Instant Clarity, plus direct.

10 Déc 2006 22:06
Skeleton In The Forum
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Inscription: 04 Aoû 2006 22:56
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noise a écrit:
Le tracklistening de la chose, que du tube :D

Former HELLOWEEN singer Michael Kiske will rearrange and re-record all of the songs that he wrote with his former band for an upcoming CD, to be released next year through Frontiers Records. The projected track listing for the album is as follows:

01. We Got the Right
02. A Little Time
03. Kids Of the Century
04. Goin' Home
05. You Always Walk Alone
06. When the Sinner
07. I Believe
08. Longing
09. In the Night
10. Your Turn
+ as-yet-undisclosed new song

"Little time" vaut le coup. "Your turn" aussi.
Après y a "Kids of the century" et "Goin' home" (ça fait trois titres de Pink bubbbles go ape ça...). Le reste ça me dit rien, j'imagine qu'il y a du Chameleon... Je l'ai revendu il y a tellement longtemps que je ne me souviens même pas du nom des chansons.

Sinon vous avez oublié de citer Supared dans les projets foireux de Kiske.
Quel gâchis tout ça.

If we keep our pride / Though paradise is lost / We will pay the price / But we will not count the cost.
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10 Déc 2006 23:10
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Long Distance Runner
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Inscription: 17 Mai 2004 11:50
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J'aime beaucoup Chameleon même si c'est vrai qu'il faut plutôt le prendre comme un album solo de Kiske que comme un album d'Helloween.
Sinon, y'a de bons moments sur Instant Clarity, mais bon, globalement, c'est moyen. RTS et Supared sont à chier....

Sinon, pour la provenance des morceaux:

01. We Got the Right - Keerper II
02. A Little Time - Keeper I
03. Kids Of the Century - Pink Bubbles
04. Goin' Home - Pink Bubbles
05. You Always Walk Alone - Keeper II
06. When the Sinner - Chamelon
07. I Believe - Chameleon
08. Longing - Chameleon (c'était déjà un morceau accoustique)
09. In the Night - Chameleon (mon Dieu quelle horreur!! Le pire morceau de l'album!)
10. Your Turn - Pink Bubbles.

11 Déc 2006 9:45
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